How to cancel my ffxiv subscription
How to cancel my ffxiv subscription

how to cancel my ffxiv subscription

That’s all you need to know about whether or not you can pause your subscription in FFXIV. So if you know you’re going to be away from FFXIV for an extended period of time, try to cancel before this break would start in lieu of pausing your FFXIV subscription. When you do this, you’ll be able to play out the rest of the days you have left for the subscription you paid for, and after that, you’ll be cut off until you reactivate. The only thing you can do is cancel your subscription. So that’s unfortunate, and you’ll want to plan ahead if you’re going to miss a few weeks or more of FFXIV. You can’t pause the current time left on your subscription and then reactivate it when you’re ready to use up the rest of the days.įor example, if you’re going on a vacation and wouldn’t be able to play the game for an extended period, you’d still need to pay your subscription to ensure you’ll have access to the game when you get back. There is no way to pause a subscription in the way that you’re probably thinking of.

how to cancel my ffxiv subscription

You might be wondering then, if you’re one of those fans, if you can pause your FFXIV subscription. Even the most hardcore FFXIV fans want a break now and again. That said, not everyone wants to be paying into its monthly subscription for the rest of their lives. Written by Jordan Oloman on behalf of GLHF.Final Fantasy XIV is one of the world’s most popular MMORPGs. Square Enix has plans to boost login caps, expand Data Centers and add new worlds to meet the increased demand, but the development team has noted that the semiconductor shortage and the COVID-19 pandemic are causing setbacks when it comes to implementing large-scale solutions for the game. The surge in players is causing congestion in the North American and European Data Centers, with some players unable to create new characters in specific servers. Final Fantasy 14 is also regularly breaking its all-time concurrent player’s record on Steam. The uptick meant that the digital version of the game recently sold out, which I didn’t even know was a thing that was possible.

how to cancel my ffxiv subscription

The media coverage and ongoing praise for the game from fans has also tempted players from other MMOs like World of Warcraft. Big audiences getting eyes on the game has naturally galvanized people to try it out. Well, several prominent content creators have been trying Final Fantasy 14 lately, like World of Warcraft streamer Asmongold and variety streamer CohhCarnage.

How to cancel my ffxiv subscription